Angera (VA)

Where it is located and historical background

The Rocca towers on a rise in Angera and dominates Lake Maggiore from there.

Under the Viscontis, the Rocca di Angera was the focus of major reconstruction and expansion works that would last for more than a century.

At the time of the Ambrosian Republic, the Council of the Nine Hundred of the city of Milan ratified the purchase of Angera, the fortress and its parish church by Vitaliano I Borromeo for the sum of 12,800 imperial liras on January 18, 1449.

The Rocca di Angera thus became the home and symbol of the political order of the family to which it still belongs today.

In 1623, when Cardinal Federico Borromeo was awarded the title of the marquisate of Angera by Philip IV of Spain, the fortress was in a state of great neglect. The surveyor the cardinal had sent to the site suggested essential repairs, but a little later, at the initiative first of Julius Cesare III (1593-1672) and then of Antonio Renato Borromeo (1632-1686), the fortress was extensively restored. Prominent Milanese painters (among others, the Santagostino brothers, Antonio Busca, Filippo Abbiati) were engaged for the decoration in the second half of the 17th century. In the climate of deafening opposition to the Spanish Governorship, the Borromeos, with the creation of the cycle of canvases dedicated to the Fasti.

Event Location

The Rocca Di Angera was chosen by the Borromeo family to celebrate family weddings-in fact, in 2015 the highly attended wedding of Beatrice Borromeo and Pierre Casiraghi took place on August 1.

All the European nobility and the most prominent figures of the international jet set prepared to attend this event, mobilizing Lake Maggiore for three days.

The Rocca di Angera has become a symbol of elegance and nobility.

In fact, every wedding that takes place in this location has a special importance for me as it requires a lot of commitment and professionalism.

The Location presents several places within it.

The belvedere where it is possible to have a symbolic ceremony completely flanked by a view of Lake Maggiore towards Lombardy.

The Court embraced by the ancient walls and battlements that with its portico can be the place for a wonderful gourmet aperitif and the spacious terrace with a view of Lake Maggiore over Arona and up to Monte Rosa then towards Switzerland.

Every glance is filled with beauty and awe.

One cannot help but be breathless before this spectacle especially when the sun sets and the Lake becomes a golden mirror.

In case of bad weather, the Rocca has entirely historic and frescoed interior rooms that can hold aperitifs and placés.

The Hall Of Justice with its 300' frescoes and vaulted ceilings is a masterpiece so assuming a dinner with an imperial table in such a setting is an opportunity to celebrate in history.

It's like being immortal.

Pros and cons of the location

I am madly in love with this location and it is exciting for me every time to design the layout and style of the event.

Every solution is beautiful and exciting.

The flaw is that not everyone can afford this location and it needs very good logistics to prepare the event so the presence of an organizer is highly recommended.

Wedding style in this Villa.

SpazioBianco arrangements prefer for the fortress either tones related to orange pinks and bronze with a current and fresh style to remove rigidity from the fortress or a rustic style with colors related to water tones such as blue green and ivory ranges making a strong reference to the presence of botanical gardens and vineyards surrounding the fortress.